Sound Massage with Singing Bowls has been used since ancient times in India and especially in the Himalayas for healing. The sacred scriptures of India state that human beings have been created from vibration/sound.
The singing bowls we use are of the highest quality. They are Therapy Bowls and made of twelve metals hand-made by traditional singing bowl craftsmen in India/Nepal. The Singing Bowls are of different sizes and each one works on a particular area of the body.
Seven metals are corresponding to the seven major planets. They are: Gold/Sun, Silver/Moon, Copper/Venus, Mercury/Mercury, Iron/Mars, Tin/Jupiter, and Lead/Saturn
In addition to these seven metals there are five further metals carefully chosen to help with:
- energy increase and productive potential
- correct functioning of the digestive system
- strengthening the lungs
- combating joint inflammation
- the release of tensions
Kamal is a certified Tibetan Sound Massage Practitioner. She received her training and certification in Germany with the Professional Association of Yoga Vidya Health Consultants (BYVG). Sound Massage is practised in Germany in many professional settings in the domain of health, education and wellbeing, for example hospitals, rehabilitation centres, physiotherapist and occupational therapist practices; midwifery practices; hospices; and children’s homes.
Kamal has many years of experience treating clients from various backgrounds with excellent results.